AtlasĀ® 6 x 4 x 16
Home / Structural Brick / Sizes
AtlasĀ® is aĀ clay brick cored in such a way as to permit reinforcing steel and the appropriate amount of grout within the cores when the brick is laid in a given bond pattern.Ā TheĀ combination of brick, grout and reinforcing act together to resist tension, flexure and shear forces. Multiple Atlas sizes are available based on structural, fire, durability and aesthetic requirements.
AtlasĀ® Guide SpecificationĀ >
Specifications for AtlasĀ®Ā Hollow Brick >
Patio and Wall Section Layout >
Environmental Product Declaration >
Brick Cleaning Recommendations >
Article: Designing with Change Reinforced Structural Clay BrickĀ >
Western States Clay Products Association:
Brick Veneer on Steel Studs A Proven System >
Design Guide for Anchored Brick Veneer Over Steel Studs >
Design Guide for Structural Brick Veneer >
Fire Endurance Rating of Clay Brick Masonry >
Notes on the Selection, Design, and Construction of Reinforced Hollow Clay Masonry >