King 3 x 3 x 10
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King 3 x 3 x 10
With time the cost to install brick masonry has risen. In an effort to again reduce the cost of brick in the wall, the industry has chosen to increase the size of the brick. Only 4.8 King sized brick are required to cover 1 square foot. Compared to Modular brick, there is a 30 percent reduction in the number of King sized brick needed to build the same building. This brick does not bond out easily for adding soldier courses and other design features.
Specifications for Residential Brick >
Patio and Wall Section Layout >
Environmental Product Declaration >
Brick Cleaning Recommendations >
Brick Industry Association Tech Notes >
Article: Designing with Change Reinforced Structural Clay Brick >
Western States Clay Products Association:
Brick Veneer on Steel Studs A Proven System >
Design Guide for Anchored Brick Veneer Over Steel Studs >
Design Guide for Structural Brick Veneer >
Fire Endurance Rating of Clay Brick Masonry >
Notes on the Selection, Design, and Construction of Reinforced Hollow Clay Masonry >
Face Brick Inspiration

Color: Blend of Ash, Pewter and Platinum

Color: Charleston

Color: Mountain Red

Color: Almond