Norman 4 x 2¼ x 12
Home / Face Brick / Sizes
This brick is often selected because of its linear effect in the wall. The longer slender brick draws out the horizontal lines in a building. It has a more elegant look and feel. Designers often accentuate the horizontal mortar joints and compresses the vertical head joints. Often the horizontal mortar joints are installed with a contrasting colored mortar to highlight the linear look.
Specifications for Residential Brick >
Patio and Wall Section Layout >
Environmental Product Declaration >
Brick Cleaning Recommendations >
Brick Industry Association Tech Notes >
Article: Designing with Change Reinforced Structural Clay Brick >
Western States Clay Products Association:
Brick Veneer on Steel Studs A Proven System >
Design Guide for Anchored Brick Veneer Over Steel Studs >
Design Guide for Structural Brick Veneer >
Fire Endurance Rating of Clay Brick Masonry >
Notes on the Selection, Design, and Construction of Reinforced Hollow Clay Masonry >
Face Brick Inspiration

Color: Blend of Ash, Pewter and Platinum

Color: Charleston

Color: Mountain Red

Color: Almond