Thin Brick
Brick Solutions
Engineered to Provide Value
When tight construction sites have no room to store materials, and little space to stage work areas, coordinating trades and meeting schedules is tough. Scaffolding can be costly and inefficient on very tall buildings. Renovation projects may have insufficient foundations or structures to carry the desired new materials. How does an architect provide the aesthetics and durability of clay brick while negotiating such challenges?
Thin brick can be incorporated in many ways to allow for decreased foundation sizes and smaller framing members. Thin brick walls may be erected without the use of scaffolding when they are panelized. This brick is a fraction of the weight of full bed depth brick and need not burden the integrity of existing structures, even historical. There is no need to compromise the beauty, resilience, and longevity of fired clay brick when
wall thickness or construction conditions are restrictive.

One Size
Doesn’t Fit All
Create iconic facades by combining different thin brick sizes and shapes to mimic the depth and texture of full brick. With various sizes to choose from, the design possibilities are endless.

Thin Brick Advantages
It can be embedded into precast concrete panels or applied over concrete masonry walls, framed walls sheathed with cement backer board, and stucco substrates. It can also be installed into proprietary panelized systems comprised of rigid foam insulation, reinforced formed plastic panels, or punched/tabbed sheet metal panels.
Interstate Brick has a variety of methods to manufacture thin brick. We have more shapes, more sizes, and more possibilities to bring your design vision to reality and meet your project’s needs. Start designing now or contact one of our building
envelop consultants to join your team.

Questions& Answers

Q: Are the physical properties of thin brick the same as face brick?
- Physical properties of both products are very similar.
Q: Do thin brick walls perform the same as walls built with face brick?
- Thin brick walls do not provide the same fire rating or impact
resistance as face brick.
Q: What specifications and briefs cover thin brick?
- ASTM C-1088, BIA Technical Note-28C.
Q: Why does my exterior thin brick wall have dark areas?
- The darker areas are usually higher in moisture content than
surrounding lighter areas. - Thin brick does not have any cores. When it is installed into a precast
panel or on a metal lath system with a scratch coat and brown coat,
there is a lot of wet material behind it. Therefore, the wall can take
longer to dry out to the exterior after construction than face brick.
The thin brick is the last layer to dry out. Please be patient!
Q: Can thin brick be used as paving?
- Thin brick is not suitable for paving; However, it
can be used as a floor covering. See below.
Q: Can thin brick be used as floor covering?
- Yes, it can, like porcelain tile, if the substrate is stiff enough and it is
mortar set with full coverage (with some limitations as to use).
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